Wednesday, October 23, 2013

That's A Wrap!

I spent the last week and a half on the set of an indie film called Memoria.  James Franco wrote a book called Palo Alto stories that includes a series of short stories.  Three of the stories are being made into features. There was an Indiegogo campaign to raise the funds for the film, and since I don't have any money to contribute, I sent an email asking if they needed any help on set. A month went by and I forgot all about Memoria until I received an email from one of the producers asking if I was still interested. The next day I had a phone interview, and a week and a half later I was on set as the Camera PA.

Having your movie come to life is freaking hard work! One of the reasons that I wanted to be on that set was to see how a professional set operates. Until this point, I'd only been on my classmates sets. I wanted to meet more people, build relationships, and learn all that I could learn. It was such an amazing experience! These people are really good at what they do.

The directors in the trunk of the car so they could ride along in the car and look at the monitor.

We wrapped yesterday morning at 5am, and I'm still recovering. Apparently my body doesn't like night shoots, but what can you do? Being on set got me amped up and super charged for my film. I had a meeting today with my producers and everyone left with their to do list.  It was great to be on that set, but I'm happy to get back to my routine and get back on track for Collectible Items!

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