Monday, July 5, 2010

Home Remedies

Well, this marathon is trying to kill me! Did I tell you that I have a personal trainer now? He is also trying to kill me. The first time I met with him, he said to me, "Okay, do 15 push ups." I looked at him, decided he was serious, and replied, "I appreciate you thinking I'm capable of something like that, but trust me, I can't do 15." Can I just tell you that this man not only had me do 15 push ups, but he had me do THREE sets of 15. Mind you, I was about to die after the first seven, but I struggled through the others. I am leaving out that this was circuit training, meaning that he had me doing other types of painful resistance exercises in between the push up torture. And at the end of these workouts, which he switches up on me, he always applauds my strength, determination and my not getting sick. I secretly think that he hopes that I will vomit one day. You know that I watch Biggest Loser and that Jillian tells the contestants that if they don't vomit then they aren't working hard enough. Ummm...not sure I agree with that. I've worked pretty hard before and not lost my lunch.

So needless to say, after this first workout, I anticipated that my body would hurt worst than I could imagine. I patiently waited, and sure enough, the next day I could barely lift my arms. I was complaining to my mom about how sore I was and she said, "I don't know why you don't believe me that Vic's VapoRub relieves sore muscle pain." I just shook my head and thought, "people and their home remedies." But nevertheless, I heavily applied Vic's to my triceps, biceps, shoulders and upper back. I slept well that night and was thoroughly surprised when I awakened and could lift my arms! That's right folks, I was no longer crippled by my stiff muscles.

I was reminded of that movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". Remember that? In the movie, her dad was convinced that Windex was the cure all to any and everything. You have a zit? Put some Windex on it. And voila! Problem solved.

There is also the Chris Rock stand up, where he talks about his father being convinced that Robitussin is the cure all. He says that his dad used to tell them to put "Tussin" on their cuts and scrapes. "Dad, I broke my arm!" "Boy, you better go put some tussin on it."

I'm wondering now, after my miraculous recovery with the Vic's, if there is any truth to the Windex or Robitussin theory. I don't know if I'm courageous enough to try, but I implore you to do so, if you feel so inclined.