Saturday, May 8, 2010

Oh Wow

I can't believe it's been over a month since I blogged. You would think that with a new job I would have lots to write about, but the reality is that I really don't. I find myself very tired lately and I am convinced that allergies are out to kill me. I woke up several times the other night because my heard hurt too bad to sleep. I know you're wondering why I didn't take any medicine, and it might just be easier to lie than to tell you the truth. The truth being that I'm a tad bit paranoid about having a brain aneurysm and dying, and since that apparently feels like the worst headache of your life, then I don't want to mask that with Advil or something else. Make sense? See...don't judge me. It's a legit fear...that and roaches....

So I love my job. I'm learning a lot and meeting some great people. I love the idea of helping people, and I love even more that what I do can really make a difference. Yay! With all of that being said, I'm gonna try to meet more people and have fun stuff to tell you about. It really is a shame that making friends costs money. I've said this before, but you can be broke and still have your good friends, because your good friends don't mind doing free things with you, like going to the park or watching a movie at your place. But when you're just starting out a friendship, I think we can all agree that it's a tad creepy to have someone ask you if you want to come hang out at their house. Nope. I don't know you, I won't be doing that. Thanks.

Til next time! Hopefully sooner than later. I really did miss this.