Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Snuggie and Me

Hello All! I trust that everyone had a lovely Christmas. I certainly did.

My family's Christmas has always been more of a celebration of Jesus' birth, than a present exchange; so I never expect to get a gift at Christmas. It's still a great time of year because I get to be with family, eat great food and watch a lot of television. Well this year, I woke up and was calling around wishing people a Merry Christmas, and during a phone call break, my mom asked if I saw what she put in my room. "No", I replied. All the while wondering why she would have gotten me something and what it could have possibly been. I entered my room cautiously, still not fully comprehending what was going on. I'd been jobless for 4 months now and pretty dependent on my parents for survival. That was present enough in my mind. I opened the bag and immediately started to giggle when I pulled out the box inside. My giggle soon turned to a full blown laugh. "A Snuggie", I yelled from my room. I grabbed the box and ran into the kitchen. "You got me a Snuggie!" My mom explained that she had been out shopping and saw them on sale and felt moved to get me one.

Needless to say, my Christmas consisted of me laying on the couch, engulfed by the warmth my new best friend, the blue Snuggie, provided me. I happily enjoyed the luxuries of channel changing, texting and drinking all while still "under" my blanket. "Brilliant", I thought as I texted close friends to boast about my new Snuggie. I looked and felt like a Jedi Knight.

One friend responded, "How will you ever get a job, now that you have a Snuggie?" A legitimate question indeed. Obviously, I've left the couch since receiving the Snuggie, but it was hard. It will certainly be harder to go to work all day! I'm reminded of an episode from 30 Rock, where Tina Fey's character is sitting at her desk in her Snuggie. It makes so much sense now! And to all you skeptics who have said things like, "Isn't it just a robe?" Or "I heard that it was just an over-sized blanket." I'll have you know that my Snuggie is neither a robe nor an over-sized blanket. It is a gift from God!!

My wise friend Gwyn once told me that someone's lack of understanding in a particular situation is just because it is something that they haven't experienced yet. So for all of you nay sayers, you just haven't experienced the Snuggie yet. Ah....the Snuggie.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!!

I started to write, and it was getting entirely too political for my taste. So, I deleted everything and decided to just keep it breezy.

My hope is that everyone finds themselves as blessed as me this holiday season. Hopefully you are sharing Christmas with family and/or friends. Eat, drink and be merry. And may God bless us, every one.

Merry Christmas y'all.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ricky Gervais

I was watching 60 Minutes on Sunday, and they did an interview with Ricky Gervais. Now, if you're anything like me, then that name does not ring a bell. But, after seeing him, I immediately knew who he was.

I haven't always been the biggest fan of British comedy, but every now and again, a few shows will strike my fancy. Who's Line is it Anyway, Absolutely Fabulous and The Office. Well come to find out, Ricky Gervais not only starred in the British version of The Office, he wrote the bloody thing! Mind blowing! So, here I was, completely enthralled in the interview and everything he said made sense. Granted, these are things that I had been thinking, but it helps to have them validated by someone who actually experienced it.

He worked a serious of dead end office jobs that he hated, and one day, his friend asked him to help write a tv show about an office setting. Low and behold, the show gets picked up, not only in Britain, but in a ton of countries, and, AND, he gets paid for all of them! He wrote the show at 40, and is now 48 years old and completely baffled by how his life has turned out.

In listening to this interview, I started to think about the things that I've experienced and the experiences that are yet to come. God willing, I won't have to wait another 10 years to have my show picked up. But everyday that I'm not acting, is another day where I have an experience to add to a script. At one point, Ricky Gervais said he asked his girlfriend why he didn't think to do all of this sooner. She responded, "Because it wouldn't have worked." Simply put. He wouldn't have been able to create that show without the 20 years of office experience. Seeing that interview reminded me to stay encouraged. God has a plan for me and it's playing out.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Hello Everyone! I know that I've been gone for a while. All I can say is that I started working on another project, downloaded a virus onto the computer and have been gallivanting around Cali. I'm currently at my aunt's house in the Bay Area and enjoy daily walks on the beach. But there is something that has been on my mind and I feel that I must blog about it.

I like to watch the BBC news because I feel that it is less contaminated than the commercialized news we get. However, yesterday as I was happily learning about wordly matters, the BBC did something that disgusted me. They began to report on the Tiger Woods incident. Really? BBC? But why? And they were saying the same things that the other stupid channels were saying. "He still hasn't said why he was in the car." "He is only being fined $164." "By not commenting, he is only fueling the fire."

Who are these people? Why does it matter? How does anyone think that they have a right to know what happened? We are not entitled to anything, and I'm glad that he's keeping his mouth shut. And, to top it all off, I was so upset that I decided to watch the news in Spanish...yeah, you know where this is going! To make a long story short, I ended up turning off the tv. The Spanish news! Seriously!

Tiger Woods is human just like the rest of us, and at any given moment, we could lose control of our car and back into a tree. He didn't have any alcohol in his system and his wife was by his side when he was hurt. What more do these people need. Whatever happened is between him and his wife. I'm just so heated right now.