Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I can't just disappear for a month and every time I resurface, start my blog off with a surprised statement about how I've disappeared. It's old. I get it.

I finally broke down and joined the gym next to my house, mainly because I live in the dessert and it's freaking hot, and because I was bored of the work out DVDs that I have. My theory was that I could join a gym, and I would have options. I was right! Not only do I have options, but I have HEAVILY air conditioned options. That's the best!

I should also tell you that somewhere between me not blogging and me joining a gym, I decided to run a marathon. No, I didn't already run it...I just started to really think on planning to train for one. Haha. Needless to say, joining the gym was the first step in the 26.2 mile direction.

Yesterday I packed my gym bag, went to work, and then left work and immediately went to the gym. I was very excited to A) start running again B) start running in my new gym, and C) start running in my new gym's cardio theater. What is cardio theater, you ask. I'll tell you. (I was excited about this too.) It's a theater room and instead of comfy chairs, there are exercise bikes, treadmills and elyptical machines. They play a different movie every day! Yesterday was Terminator 3. I would have preferred 2, but I was okay with 3. I did learn something about myself. I learned that I am completely incapable of jogging and watching action movies. I almost fell of the treadmill about 3 times! Yeah. There would be a loud explosion and fight scene, and for some reason, my first reaction was to stand and watch. Well, you can't just stand and watch when you are RUNNING on a treadmill. I had to grab the bar SEVERAL times. It was fun though, despite the many near death encounters. I thought they were brilliant for coming up with that!

Today I thought I would take it easy and go to pilates for some stretching and "light" strength building. I should have gotten up and left when the instructor said, "my pilates class is different. I like to call my class intense pilates." Intense pilates? Yep, intense pilates. Then, THEN, she asked us to keep and open mind and proceeded to work us senseless. My poor, poor body! My easy, stretch, recovery day was shot by intense pilates. Now I need a recovery day from the recovery day. It was a good ab workout though....I'll probably go back on Thursday.

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