Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fireman Bachelor Auction

I got an email from my friend Tiffani, on Wednesday, asking me if I wanted to go to the Fireman Bachelor Auction...."Um..yeah", was my response. Of course I wanted to go. I didn't know that these things really existed. Obviously I'd heard about them, but I just thought they were urban legends or mythical unicorns. Well, I found my unicorn yesterday and it was FUN!!!

When I got the flier, the first thing I noticed was that there were two levels of tickets: general admission and VIP. Naturally, I wanted to know what VIP included and tried to figure out if it was doable. It was more than reasonable, but I needed 7 other ladies to go in on it with me. The deal was that you buy a booth and you get a fireman server, champagne, appetizers and dessert, a goodie bag and the best seats in the house. Or, you could pay a few bucks less, get nothing and stand for four hours. To me, it was a no brainer. However, aside from Tiffani, I didn't know anyone to ask.

So, yesterday, we're standing in line waiting to buy our tickets and we were still talking about how we wanted VIP. We decided to "work the line" and get other ladies to go in on it with us. Well, being that outgoing people that we are, we were super successful and our night was AMAZING! We had a few issues with the service and the website being misleading, as far as what was offered and included in our package. But once we spoke with management, let them know it was unacceptable and told them what we expected, it was all cleared up and better than we ever could have imagined!

I think back on last night and am reminded that all life is is a series of choices. If I would have decided that it wasn't worth it to ask random people to go in on a table with us, or if I had decided to not tell management we were unhappy, then my night would not have been nearly as spectacular. I met some great people last night, and I'm not only talking about the firemen. LOL. Although, they were great. But, I'd like to think that if I make the most of every situation, then I won't ever have to look back and think "what if". "What if I would have only asked?" My mantra has always been, "If worst case scenario is that someone says 'No', then what is there to lose? A no will only leave you with what you already had. A yes can turn your world around."

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